We are a web design company with extensive experience in: creation, development, marketing and online consulting. KingCID Studio is a company that was born in Canada, we provide services in multiple specialties. We understand your business and adapt it to the internet creating efficient web pages with marketing strategies.
As a programming studio, we have worked with Microsoft, providing a personalized and specialized service for all mechanisms with a virtual hardware and software interface. We are aware of the importance of online marketing for companies and we work with the utmost rigor and enthusiasm.
digital marketing, web design, packaging, videos, graphic design, render 3d, branding, brand, characters, photography, drawing, illustration, websites, applications, games, Point of Sale System, Security Systems, videos 2d, videos 3d
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It makes it easier for your potential customers to learn more about your company and the products it offers.
A functional and personalized website is the best cover letter.
We take your brand to appear first in the popular search engines.
We help you manage and maintain the social community on the internet.
If you want to create or renew your brand’s logo, we can help you.
Through branding, strategic planning will be carried out to raise your brand.
A good product deserves to have a good packaging, the more visual and attractive a package stands out from the rest.
Stunning photos perfect for use in advertising, social media.
2D videos are used to indicate 2-dimensional objects, generally seen in cartoons.
3D videos indicate three-dimensional images, for this design various digital techniques and tools are used.
Rendering is a process in which more realism and image quality are added.
Streamline, order and distribute your orders in an orderly manner with a personalized menu or store for your business.
Applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Play Station, Xbox, complete applications focused on each device.
Manage your entire system online, being this secure automated and private, access any device.
Short musical piece that accompanies commercials.
Mix – Recording – Production